Taller Práctico Fundamentos de la tecnología FTTx GPON

Las redes locales pasivas ópticas, basadas en la tecnología GPON, son la base necesaria para la transformación en la INDUSTRIA 4.0.
La aplicación de las comunicaciones por fibra óptica en las redes de área local ofrecen grandes ventajas frente a las redes tradicionales: Ahorro de un 60% en costes de mantenimiento, un 50% menos de espacio, consumo de energía 40% inferior, 50% en costes de instalación de la infraestructura de comunicaciones, y  todo ello al mismo tiempo que ofrece mayor velocidad de datos, interfaz los servicios de voz, datos y vídeo y cubre  distancias de hasta 20 Kilómetros. 

En este taller, de tres días de duración, te proponemos descubrir los conceptos básicos de cada tecnología FTTx a partir de una introducción a los principios arquitectónicos de las redes de acceso.
Durante la segunda parte de la formación los participantes adquirirán más conocimiento sobre las redes ópticas pasivas (PONs).
La formación está orientada para que resulte práctica, una plataforma GPON FTTH será puesta a disposición 
 de los participantes, incluyendo un emulador OLT y un analizador de protocolo GPON.
Además, Los participantes aprenderán a proporcionar servicios (IPTV, VoIP, HSI), verificar su calidad de experiencia y su seguridad.

Fechas: 12,13 y 14 de Junio
Duración: 24 horas. Tres días de formación, prácticas incluidas.
PVP:  2.100€ + IVA/ persona

Mínimo 4 asistentes y máximo 12


  • Introduction to FTTx Access Networks                                  
  • Passive Optical Networks
  • GPON Basics
  • GPON Infrastructure in-buildings
  • GPON Essentials
  • Deeping into the protocol: GTC Layer
  • Deeping into the protocol: GPON Encapsulation Method
  • Deeping into the protocol: ONU Management and Control Interface(OMCI)
  • Towards interoperability
  • GPON: The evolution

Más información y registro en:


Making your FTTH ready for a CORD architecture

FTTH Network ready for CORD architecture

Central Office Re-architected as a Data center (CORD) is the response from Telecom Operators to benefit from economies of scale (infrastructure constructed from a few commodity building blocks) and agility (the ability to rapidly deploy and elastically scale services) that commodity cloud providers enjoy.

GPONDoctor Whitepaper “Making your FTTH ready for a CORD architecture” explains the methodology to acquire full knowledge of the strengths and weakness of your R-CORD network devices.  GPON Analyzers will help to get R-CORD implementations faster and more Resilience while ensuring that customer will always get the best User Experience.

Making you FTTH ready for a CORD architecture

Is your FTTH GPON Network Resilience?

Resilience is the ability to provide and maintain an acceptable level of service in the face of faults and challenges to normal operation. In order to increase the resilience of a given communication network, the probable challenges and risks have to be identified and appropriate resilience metrics have to be defined for the service to be protected.

Most of the times, the GPON networks are only tested under “normal operation”, so once deployed, there are many events that cannot be identified as they have never seen before. Testing the behavior of the network under error conditions will tremendously benefit the operator to be prepared when these situations happen in real life.

GPONDoctor Whitepaper “The Road to the Deep Understanding of your FTTH Network-Proactive versus Reactive Network Management” explains the benefit to use an Error injection test gear to improve the resiliency of your FTTH GPON network.

The Road to the Deep Understanding of your FTTH Network

European FTTH/FTTB subscriber numbers jump 20.4%: IDATE

Ireland appears on the FTTH Council Europe’s FTTH/B leaders list for the first time. The UK remains conspicuous by its absence.

IDATE, working with the FTTH Council Europe at the latter’s FTTH Conference 2018 in Valencia, Spain, last week, reported that the number of subscribers in Europe served via fiber to the home/fiber to the building (FTTH/FTTB) networks increased 20.4% between September 2016 and September 2017. The increase in subscribers came as take rates on the continent among EU39 countries grew from 29.2% to 34.8% over the same time period.
The number of homes passed among the EU39 countries also expanded, to more than 148 million. The figure represents a 16% climb over the study period.
Russia led the way to FTTH/FTTB subscriber growth; the country added 1,826,000 FTTH/FTTB subscribers in the 12 months ending September 2017. Spain (1,612,371 new subscribers) and France (an additional 1,067,780 subscribers) also enjoyed significant upswings.
Private network operators are jumping into FTTx deployments in a big way; 56% of FTTx network operators in Europe fall into this category, according to IDATE.
Meanwhile, the Fiber to the Home Council Europe updated its list of FTTH/FTTB deployment leaders among European countries. Latvia remained in the top spot, with a 50.6% penetration rate (see figure above). Ireland joined the list for the first time with a penetration rate of 1.7%. Countries must have a penetration rate of at least 1% to be included in the tally.
The figures in Europe track with those recently released for North America, where FTTH new builds reached record levels during the same 12-month timeframe (see “U.S. FTTH deployments set record: Fiber Broadband Association”).
February 20, 2018
Lightwave Staff